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Sunday, March 3, 2013

UFC On Fuel 8: Silva vs. Stann Play by play


This is my second play-by-play and tonight I'm doing it for the UFC On Fuel 8: Silva vs. Stann event.
You can watch the event live on Youtube


Marcelo Guimaraes vs. Hyun Gyu Lim
Round 1
Guimaraes opened with a nice leg kick and tries to go for the takedown, but Lim defends very well. They both exchange leg kicks early. Lim tries to use his jab, and Guimaraes lands another inside leg kick. Guimaraes tries to get some more takedowns but Lim is still able to defend. Guimaraes lands a very nice uppercut and is looking for a big overhead right. Lim is defending the takedown very well but isn't able to land something good. Guimaraes is attacking with inside leg kicks again. Lim is trying to hold Guimaraes off with some jabs but Guimaraes is able to get a takedown. Guimaraes is working from guard and is trying to land a few punches as the round ends. I score this round 10-9 for Guimaraes.

Round 2
Lim opens up with a leg kick and Guimaraes is setting up some jabs. Guimaraes lands a nice side kick to the stomach. Lim lands an outside leg kick and Guimaraes tries for the takedown again but Lim defends. Nice combination by Lim and Guimaraes lands an outside legkick. Guimaraes gets another takedown and Lim tries to set something up from his back but Guimaraes passed to half guard. Guimaraes tries to take Lim's back but he's able to get back up again. Both fighters seem a little bit gassed already as both fighters exchange punches. Guimaraes is slowing down as Lim is landing some nice punches and follows up with a knee and Guimaraes goes down and Lim finishes him with punches.
Result: Hyun Gyu Lim def. Marcelo Guimaraes by TKO (knees and punches) at 4:00 of the 2nd round

Alex Caceres vs. Kyung Ho Kang
Round 1
Both fighters touch gloves and exchange knees right away. They clinch up and Kang is able to trip Caceres and take him to the ground. Kang is delivering kicks while he stands up and Caceres is lying down. Kang dives into guard and passed to side control. After some time they are both getting up again. Kang clinches up again and takes Caceres down again, but Caceres tries to go for a heelhook. Kang is able to escape and he ends up in butterfly guard. Kang and Caceres stand back up and Kang presses Caceres against the cage and in the process is able to take his back and tries to submit Caceres but he able to escape again. Kang is working on the ground for an omoplata but Caceres is able to escape again and they both stand up again. Both fighters are exchanging punches as Caceres lands a nice outside leg kick. Kang answers with a big right hand, as the bell rings. I score his round 10-9 for Kang.

Round 2
Caceres lands a side kick to the stomach and Kang is able to take him down again in the beginning of the round. Kang passes from guard to half guard and tries to soften him up with some punches. Kang passes to side control but loses it and Caceres goes back to full guard. Caceres works to get up and is able to, Kang lands a few good leg kicks and tries working for the takedown again. But Caceres is able to defend the takedown but Kang presses him against the cage. Kang tries to trip Caceres but he lands on bottom. Caceres tries to work for an armbar but Kang escapes. Kang works in Caceres guard and tries to land some hard punches. Kang transitions to the back and sinks in a rear nakes choke but Caceres is able to escape again. Caceres is on top now and is trying to land a few hammerfists. Kang is able to get back on the feet and he controls Caceres very well and takes him back to the ground. Kang is back in Caceres ground and tries to land some punches. The round ends. I score the round 10-9 for Kang.

Round 3
Both fighters exchange punches but Kang is setting up the better combinations. Kang is constantly chasing Caceres, Caceres lands a leg kick but Kang catches it and takes Caceres down. They get back up but Kang slips and Caceres gets on top and lands a few big punches. Somehow, Caceres is trying to get a guillotine choke but isn't able to sink it in. Kang escapes and gets back up to the feet, he goes for the takedown and is able to take Caceres down again. Kang is landing some punches from guard again and Caceres tries to submit Kang with a triangle choke but isn't able to sink it in. Kang tries to go for a guillotine but Caceres escapes and lands on top. Caceres is in mount but Kang is able to escape. Caceres is standing up while Kang is on the ground. Caceres lands a punch as the round ends. I score the round 10-9 for Caceres.
Result: Alex Caceres def. Kyung Ho Kang by Split Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Cristiano Marcello vs. Kazuki Tokudome
Round 1
Both fighters take the center of the octagon as they exchange leg kicks. Marcello lands a big hand and Tokudome returns the favor. Both fighters love to get into a slugfest and they are both landing some significant strikes. Tokudome presses forward but Marcello holds him off with front kicks and Tokudome lands a leg kick of his own. Marcello slips and Tokudome lands in his guard as Tokudome tries to land some punches. Marcello tries to compose his posture and is landing a few elbows. Marcello attacks with an armbar but Tokudome escapes and lands a few punches. Marcello lands a nice upkick and Tokudome answers with some punches of his own. Tokudome works from guard with a lot of punches as the round ends. I score this round 10-9 for Tokudome.

Round 2
Tokudome attacks with a leg kick early and Marcello rushes in but Tokudome is able to get the takedown. Tokudome is in Marcello's guard but both fighter aren't that active. Tokudome is landing a few punches as he tries to stay active. Marcello tries to reverse the position but isn't able to do so. Tokudome passed to side but Marcello get back to full guard. Both fighters land a few punches on the ground. The ref stands the fighters back up. Tokudome is working the jab and Marcello charges in forward and gets the takedown. Tokudome is able to work his way back up against the cage. Under 1 minute to go in the 2nd round. Marcello rushes in again but leaves himself open for punches. A big right hand from Marcello and both fighters are slugging away at the end of the 2nd round. I score this round 10-9 for Tokudome.

Round 3
Tokudome is landing a few good punches and is able to drop Marcello. Tokudome is following Marcello to the ground and tries to pour it on but Marcello is able to hold on. Tokudome is on top (half guard) but Marcello improves his position to full guard, Tokudome attacks with some more punches. The fighters are back up on the feet. Marcello attacks with a front kick and Tokudome responds with a left hand. Marcello lands an outside left leg kick. Tokudome rushes in and Marcello is able to take his back, but Tokudome is able to escape. Marcello tries to give a few knees and Tokudome responds with a takedown. Nice short elbows from Marcello and Tokudome just misses with the left. End of the round. I score this round 10-9 for Tokudome.
Result: Kazuki Tokudome def. Cristiano Marcello by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Takeya Mizugaki vs. Bryan Caraway
Round 1
Caraway misses with the left hook. Mizugaki lands a nice right leg kick and an inside leg kick. Caraway answers with a leg kick of his own and they clinch up. Caraway presses Mizugaki against the cage and Mizugaki tries to trip him but isn't able to get him down. Both fighters try to dirty box and Mizugaki takes Caraway down (or slips) but both fighters stand back up right away. Caraway jabs and sets up a nice takedown but Mizugaki is able to get back up right away.
The livestream shuts down for a minute
Ok, it's back up and Caraway takes Mizugaki down and is able to get Mizugaki's back. I score this round 10-9 for Caraway (from what I saw).

Round 2
Mizugaki lands a nice left hand and follows up with a good leg kick. Caraway comes in and Mizugaki lands a nice bodyshot. Caraway shoots for the single and is able to press Mizugaki against the cage but he doesn't have the takedown just yet because Mizugaki keeps on holding the cage. Mizugaki is able to get back up again and he lands a few punches. As Caraway shoots in Mizugaki sees it and responds with some nice bodyshots. Caraway catches Mizugaki and is able to sink in a guillotine choke. Mizugaki is able to escape but Caraway is able to take his back and transition to a rear nakes choke, but Mizugaki defends. Caraway switches to full mount but Mizugaki hip escapes and Caraway is in half guard. Caraway lands a nice elbow and Mizugaki changes his position to full guard. I score the round 10-9 for Caraway.

Round 3
Mizugaki lands a good inside leg kick and follows up with some nice punches. Caraway rushes in but doesn't realy lands anything good. Mizugaki presses forward and lands a big hand and Caraway was realy hurt, but is able to survive. Caraway tries to go for the takedown but it looks like he's gassed because he isn't able to get the takedown anymore. Caraway shoots for the takedown but isn't able to get it but he lands a few nice shots. Mizugaki goes for the liver and Caraway presses him against the fence. Caraway lands a few knees and Mizugaki responds with a knee of his own. Caraway shoots for the takedown but isn't able to get it and Mizugaki responds with some elbows. Both fighters exchange punches and continue to trade. End of the round. I score the round 10-9 for Mizugaki.
Result: Takeya Mizugaki def. Bryan Caraway by Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Riki Fukuda vs. Brad Tavares
Round 1
Both fighters feeling out as Fukuda lands a few leg kicks. But Tavares responds with a leg kick of his own, Tavares tries for another kick but Fukuda is able to take Tavares down but he able to get back up. Tavares throws another kick but Fukuda catches it against and throws Tavares to the ground but Tavares responds with a triangle attempt but isn't realy able to get it and pushes Fukuda away. Tavares stands back up. Both fighters exchange some punches and Fukuda lands an outside leg kick. Fukuda lands another kick, and Tavares isn't doing anything to block them. Big kick by Tavares and both fighters exchange. Tavares continues to find his range and lands a leg kick but Fukuda takes him down again but Tavares is able to get back up. I score this round 10-9 for Fukuda.

Round 2
Tavares is landing a few good kicks on Fukuda as they go in the clinch. Fukuda presses Tavares against the cage and they break up. Tavares lands some good strikes and an outside left leg kick. Fukuda lands an inside leg kick but Tavares answers with a combination of his own. Nice uppercut by Tavares and he follows with a good spinning backfist. Tavares is pretty much landing everything he's throwing. It seems like Fukuda's left hand is injured because he's not throwing it for all round. Tavares landing some jabs and Fukuda lands some punches of his own. The round ends. I score this round 10-9 for Tavares.

Round 3
Both fighters landing some punches and Fukuda seems more active than in the 2nd round. They clinch up and exchange a few punches but break up again. Now Fukuda is throwing that left hand more often and Tavares is using his jab. Fukuda lands a nice kick to the body and Tavares responds with punches. Another body kick by Fukuda but he slips, and he is able to get back up instantly. Fukuda is landing nice combinations, jabs, leg kicks. He is realy putting on the pressure now. The 3rd round is back and forth with both fighters landing everthing they've got. This is a hard round to score but I think Fukuda wins 10-9.
Result: Brad Tavares def. Riki Fukuda by Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

I'm not going to do a play-by-play for the main card, but i'm searching a live stream to host on my blog. Stay tuned!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

UFC on Fuel TV Silva vs. Stann Predictions

wanderlei silva vs. brian stann

This evening, the five-fight Facebook card starts at 7:30 p.m. ET and the six-fight main card starts on FUEL at 10 p.m. You can read my predictions below, and I will also do a play by play this evening and put up livestreams on my blog.

Wanderlei Silva vs. Brian Stann

Why this fight takes place at light heavyweight baffles me. Maybe it's too hard for Wandy to make the cut nowadays, but Stann should make the cut pretty easily. I think Stann chin is a tad better than Wanderlei's so it obvious I pick Stann to win by TKO if he fight smart. He is good at executing a game plan, and he knows if he brawls with Silva he would probably lose. I think Stann will be able to land the big punch on Wanderlei and knocks him out cold.
Result: Brian Stann by TKO/KO

Mark Hunt vs. Stefan Struve

This is actually a very hard fight to pick. Struve could win if he uses his grappling and tries to get Hunt to the ground and plant a submission. Hunt is not so great on the ground and I think Struve know that and will try and take advantage of it. But on the other hand, if Hunt can come in close and land a big punch, it could be over as well. Hunt has ridiculous power in his hands and he will try to show that this evening. I think Hunt will be able to land the big punch because Struve isn't able to use his height and reach advantage enough. He still allows powerful strikers to get inside of his reach and hit him in the head. That's why I think Hunt will win tonight.
Result: Mark Hunt by TKO/KO

Diego Sanchez vs. Takanori Gomi

Hmm I haven't really seen a lot of fight of Gomi. So I don't know how he's going to do against Sanchez. I know Sanchez is a durable fighter and is realy realy realy hard to finish. I don't think he's ever been finished actually. I think Sanchez is going to put on a pace that I can't see any way Gomi is going to be able to handle it. I know Gomi has knockout power, as we've seen in the Tyson Griffin fight, but I don't think he'll be able to finish Sanchez.
Result: Diego Sanchez by Decision

Hector Lombard vs. Yushin Okami

What a fight! 2 guys who both are very powerful and if Lombard worked on his cardio, he could definitely win against Okami. Lombard has ridiculous takedown defense and powerful striking to put Okami in trouble. I also think Lombard's speed will be too much to handle for Okami. I could see Okami use his powerful wrestling against Lombard, be he is so ridiculously strong, so I don't know if he will be able to wear Lombard down.
Result: Hector Lombard by TKO/KO

Dong Hyun Kim vs. Siyar Bahadurzada

Well, this is a hard one to predict. I don't know how Bahadurzada will fare against a very good grappler so we'll just have to wait and see. Kim is a realy powerful grappler and if he gets in close, he will take you down (unless you're Maia). But Bahadurzada has enormous KO power as we've seen in the Thiago fight. But I'm still not 100% convinced about his takedown defense and such. He will be able to test it against Kim tonight. If Bahadurzada is able to shake of the takedowns, and land the big punch, he'll win the fight for sure.
Result: Dong Hyun Kim by Decision

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UFC on Fuel TV 8 Weigh-in results

Wanderlei Silva (204) vs. Brian Stann (206)
Mark Hunt (266) vs. Stefan Struve (260)
Takanori Gomi (156) vs. Diego Sanchez (158)*
Hector Lombard (186) vs. Yushin Okami (185)
Mizuto Hirota (146) vs. Rani Yahya (146)
Siyar Bahadurzada (171) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (171)

PRELIMINARY CARD (Facebook, 7:30 p.m. ET)

Riki Fukuda (186) vs. Brad Tavares (185)
Bryan Caraway (135) vs. Takeya Mizugaki (136)
Cristiano Marcello (156) vs. Kazuki Tokudome (155)
Alex Caceres (136) vs. Kyung Ho Kang (135)
Marcelo Guimaraes (171) vs. Hyun Gyu Lim (171)

* Sanchez forfeited 20 percent of his fight purse for missing weight.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Robbie Lawler signs new multi-fight UFC deal

robbie lawler knocks out josh koscheck
Robbie Lawler is starting on his second run in the UFC at 170lbs.

Lawler's manager, Monte Cox, today told MMA Junkie that the promotion has signed the fighter to a new multi-fight agreement following his first-round knockout of Josh Koshcheck at this past weekend's UFC 157 event.

Robbie Lawler debuted in the octagon in 2002 where he racked up a 3 fight win streak and put himself in line for the welterweight contenders before losing to Pete Spratt. After that loss, he beat Chris Lytle by decision but then lost against Nick Diaz by KO. Lawler last set foot in the octagon at UFC 50 where he lost to Evan Tanner by triangle choke submission. After the loss he was released from the promotion.

Lawler went on to fight for every major MMA promotion not named the UFC. He also has a highlight reel knockout over Dutch Kickboxer Melvin Manhoef.

Still, the now-defunct promotion offered Lawler a generous contract, which he fought under when he stepped into the octagon at UFC 157. According to the California State Athletic Commission, which oversaw the Feb. 23 pay-per-view event at Anaheim, Calif.'s Honda Center, he earned $105,000 ($95,000 to show and $10,000 as a win bonus) in the upset victory.
Source: MMA Junkie

Silva: "Fighting Weidman is good for him, not me"