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Showing posts with label play-by-play. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

UFC 157 Play-By-Play


I'm going to try and do a first play-by-play for the UFC 157 event.


Nah-Shon Burrell vs. Yuri Villefort
Round 1
Burrell comes out aggressive and lands a good uppercut. Villefort catches a kick and throws Burrell to the ground. Villefort is able to take his back and almost sinks in a rear naked choke. Burrell is able to defend the choke and is able to get up. Villefort delivers a lot of hard leg kicks. Burrell catches Villefort's kick and lands a punch of his own. Villefort tries to go for a leg lock but Burrell is able to escape sweep him. Burrell stands back up and is able to give a hard elbow. I score the round 10-9 for Villefort. (Close round though)

Round 2
Villefort is landing a lot of leg kicks and a big body shot. Burrell catches the leg and takes Villefort down but lets him back up. Burrell lands a nice uppercut. In the clinch, Villefort delivers a knee to the body. After they separate, Burrell lands a hard leg kick and lands a lot of jabs. I score the round 10-9 for Burrell.

Round 3
Villefort goes for the takedown and takes Burrell’s back. He works for a choke but Burrell defends and stands back up. Burrell stands up and Villefort takes him down again. Villefort goes for a heel hook and Burrell pounds him with punches. Villefort lets the leg go. Villefort is pressed against the cage and looks tired. Burrell lands some good knees and punches. Villefort breaks the clinch and tries to take Burrell down, but Burrell defends. Good high kick from Burrell. Again, Villefort tries to take Burrell to the ground but fails again. Good knees from the clinch for Burrell. The final bell goes. I score the round 10-9 for Burrell.
Nah-Shon Burrell def. Yuri Villefort by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Jon Manley vs. Neil Magny
Round 1
Both fighters take the center of the cage. Manley tries very hard to take Magny down but isn't really able to do so. They clinch up against the cage and Manley still tries to jump down and take Magny down but still isn't able to do so. They break up the clinch and Magny lands a good punch. Jabs from Magny, after trading some punches they wrestle against the cage for position. I score the round 10-9 for Magny.

Round 2
Manley tries to take the fight to the ground against and he is able to take Magny down. After holding position, Magny is able to sweep Manley and take the advantage. After some time Magny is able to take Manley down. Magny is trying to get a good position on Manley and is landing some strikes in the process. Manley is able to get back up and they clinch back up against the cage. Good combination by Magny, and Manley responds with a combination of his own. Manley looks very tired and Magny is leaning on Manley and landing good strikes. I score the round 10-9 for Magny.

Round 3
Both fighters take the center of the octagon and Magny lands a good leg kick. Manley responds with some strikes of his own but misses. Both guys exchange strikes in the center of the cage. Magny is trying to land some jabs and is able to get the takedown. Manley tries to go for an armbar. Magny tries to defend and is able to relieve the pressure by stepping over his left leg over Manley's leg. And now he's out, and delivering some strikes. Magny is able to take Manley's back but he is able to escape and get back up to his feet. Both fighters clinch up against the cage with Manley putting pressure on Magny. Magney is defending the takedown and Herb Dean breaks them up. Both fighters are exchanging strikes and again Magny is able to take Manley down. The final bell rings. I score the round 10-9 for Magny.
Neil Magny def. Jon Manley by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Kenny Robertson vs. Brock Jardine
Round 1
Both fighters take the center of the octagon early. Robertson goes for the takedown but Jardine is able to sink in a guillotine choke but is unable to finish. Robertson gets free and has top position. He works in half guard. Robertson passes to side control. Robertson is able to take Jardine's back and is softening him up with punches. Robertson is trying to go for the choke and Jardine is able to defend the choke. Robertson was able to climb high on Jardine's back and able to grab his leg and finish him off with a leg lock.
Kenny Robertson def. Brock Jardine by submission (leg lock) at 2:57 of the 1st round.


Sam Stout vs. Caros Fodor
Round 1
Both fighter tie up early. Stout clinches Fodor up against the cage and soften him up with punches. They break up the clinch and Fodor attacks with some punches and Fodor is able to land a takedown. Stout is able to get up and in the process tries to take Fodor's back but is unable to. They got back to the clinch and exchange punches, after breaking up Fodor lands a good shot on Stout. And they clinch back up to the cage. Stout is working and delivering some knees. After some time in the clinch, Stout is able to land a takedown and is in full guard. Stout passes to half guard and is attacking with some punches. Fodor is trying to get a better position but Stout is able to get to the mount. Fodor is trying really hard to get out but Stout is able to get the back and transitions to a submission but isn't able to finish. End of the round. I score this round 10-9 for Stout.

Round 2
Both fighters exchange early and they go back to the clinch pressed up against the cage. They break up the clinch and exchange punches but tie up back into the clinch. They break up again and trade punches and kicks in the center of the octagon. Stout lands a nice body shot and a head kick. Both fighters land good inside leg kicks. And Stout keeps going for Fodor's liver. Nice inside leg kick by Fodor and they clinch against cage. After breaking up they take the center of the cage and trade punches. Stout lands some good punches and so does Fodor. Fodor tries to go for a takedown but is unable to take Stout down, and they clinch up. Stout is working from the clinch with some knees but Fodor is able to take Stout down. Hard round to judge. I score this round 10-10.

Round 3
Early in the round they clinch up against the cage. Fodor is landing a few punches. Stout tries to trip Fodor but he isn't able to take Fodor down. They take the center of the octagon and exchange punches. They clinch up again and Fodor is able to take Stout down. Fodor is working from side position, and Stout is working to get back up again and is able to do so. Fodor holds on to Stout as Stout is landing punches. They clinch up and work against the cage. After they break up Fodor swings for the fences but misses. Stout tries to take Fodor down but isn't able to. They clinch up again and exchange punches. Stout presses Fodor against the cage and Fodor delivers some knees to Stout. This round is hard to score. I score this round 10-9 for Stout.
Sam Stout def. Caros Fodor by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Dennis Bermudez vs. Matt Grice
Round 1
Bermudez comes out aggressive and clinches up with Grice. Grice tries to take Bermudez down but Bermudez takes the mount in the process. Bermudez is punching him to the face as Grice's hand is trapped. But Grice is able to get out. They clinch up again, and Grice is landing some good knees. They break up and Grice gives a good leg kick and Bermudez answers with a good right hand. Bermudez pushes Grice up against the cage and Grice answers with some good shots and elbows. Grice drops Bermudez with a heavy shot. Bermudez is in all kinds of trouble but he's able to hold on. Bermudez lands a leg kick and Grice counters with a strike. End of round 1. I score this round 10-9 for Bermudez.

Round 2
Bermudez lands a good inside leg kick but Grice counters with a nice strike and drops Bermudez, but he gets back up again. Bermudez presses Grice against the cage and delivers some knees. After they break up they exchange punches and kicks and Grice is landing some good jabs. Bermudez drops and Grice tries to sink in an Anaconda choke but Bermudez is able to get out and stand back up. Grice tries to go for a takedown but Bermudez defends quite well but is taken down eventually. Grice is trying to take Bermudez' back but Bermudez is able to stand back up. Bermudez lands a good leg kick but Grice lands a good left hook. They clinch and work against the cage, and when they break Bermudez knees Grice to the head while he's still on the ground but nothing happened. Bermudez tries to go for a submission but the round is done. I score this round 10-9 for Grice.

Round 3
Bermudez is landing some good shots and drops Grice, Bermudez follows him to the ground and is delivering some good ground and pound. Bermudez is throwing some punches and elbows. Grice is able to stand back up but Bermudez is trying to take him down again. Bermudez is landing some good shots and Grice is hurt again. Grice tries to survive but Bermudez continues to pour it on. Bermudez was close to stopping the fight but Grice survived. Nice uppercut landed by Bermudez and they clinch up again. They are both teeing of against the cage. Bermudez lands a good knee and Grice clinches up. They exchange punches back and forward. What a fight! This could be fight of the night for sure. I score this round 10-9 for Bermudez.
Dennis Bermudez def. Matt Grice by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Michael Chiesa vs. Anton Kuivanen
Round 1
Kuivanen lands a nice shot to the body. And Chiesa responds with a body kick. Nice front kick to the body by Kuivanen. Chiesa tries a high kick but slips and falls, but is able to stand back up. Chiesa lands a body kick, and tries to exchange. They clinch up and Kuivanen presses Chiesa against the cage. Chiesa reverses and tries to knee Kuivanen in the head. They break up and Chiesa tries to land a knee. Kuivanen is landing a couple of good strikes. Kuivanen tries a flying knee but Chiesa catches it and takes him down but Kuivanen is able to stand back up. End of round 1. I score this round 10-9 for Kuivanen.

Round 2
Chiesa tries to attack with some leg kicks and tries very hard for the takedown but Kuivanen is able to defend. Chiesa is still trying to get the takedown against the cage but isn't able to do so and gets reversed. Chiesa tries to trip Kuivanen and get his back in the process. Chiesa tries to sink in a rear naked chose but Kuivanen is defending very well. Chiesa locks in the body triangle and is able to finish Kuivanen with the choke.
Michael Chiesa def. Anton Kuivanen by submission (rear naked choke) at 2:29 of the 2nd round.

Brendan Schaub vs. Lavar Johnson
Round 1
The fighters tie up in the clinch and Schaub is able to take Johnson down. Schaub is in half guard but isn't really doing anything. Schaub tries to lock in a choke and Johnson is punching Schaub in the process. Johnson is able to get out and Schaub is in side position. Schaub tries to take Johnson's back but he is able to get up and is able to take Schaub down. Johnson is in half guard and Schaub attack Johnson's leg and is able to sweep him. Back in half guard, Schaub is trying to pass to mount, but isn't really able to. They get up again and Schaub takes Johnson back down, Schaub punches Johnson while he's on the ground and the bell rings. I score this round 10-9 for Schaub.

Round 2
They clinch up early and Johnson attacks with punches to the body. Johnson presses Schaub to the cage and tries to knee him. Schaub takes Johnson down and is back in half guard. Johnson is elbowing Schaub on the thigh and Schaub is trying to pass but he can't get his leg free. Referee stands them back up. Johnson misses with the uppercut and they clinch back against the fence. Schaub takes Johnson down again. Johnson attacks with strikes from the bottom. Schaub transitions from full guard to half guard and Johnson keeps attacking with punches from the bottom. Schaub tries to attack with punches from the top. Schaub is trying really hard to pass Johnson's guard but he isn't able to. End of the round. I score the round 10-9 for Schaub.

Round 3
Schaub opens with some jabs and both fighters trade punches. Schaub takes Johnson to the ground again. Schaub works with punches from the guard and Johnson works with punches from the bottom. Referee stand them back up but Schaub is able to take him back down. Both fighters aren't really doing anything but Schaub is able to transition to mount, Johnson is not giving up and transitions back to half guard. Schaub attacks with some strikes from the top. Johnson transitions back to full guard and tries to hammer fist from the bottom. Schaub tries to go for a submission but loses it. They end up back in half guard with Schaub punching Johnson in the face. The round ends. I score the round 10-9 for Schaub.
Brendan Schaub def. Lavar Johnson by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Josh Koscheck vs. Robbie Lawler
Round 1
Koscheck comes out quickly and he is able to take Lawler down. Koscheck is in full guard and Lawler attacks with punches and while sweeping Koscheck is able to control Lawler. Lawler tries to stand back up and he is able to. Koscheck is able to take Lawler back down. Koscheck is in half guard and tries to take Lawlers back. Koscheck lets go and Lawler is able to get back up to his feet. Koscheck is really putting pressure on Lawler and letting him work to keep the fight on the feet and not get taken down. As Koscheck takes down Lawler, he sprawls and handed out some big shots to Koscheck and Herb Dean stops the fight.
Robbie Lawler def. Josh Koscheck by TKO (punches) at 3:57 of the 1st round.

Court McGee vs. Josh Neer
Round 1
Both fighters come out swinging and try to land some punches. McGee lands a good leg kick and a few good punches and another leg kick. Neer counters with an overhand right. McGee answers with an nice inside leg kick. Neer follows up with a leg kick of his own. McGee lands a few more strikes on Neer and follows up with a leg kick. McGee is teeing of on Neer, shots to the body and the inside leg kick. They clinch up and McGee delivers a nice knee. McGee hurt Neer very bad on his liver and tries to finish Neer. McGee takes the back and tries to finish the fight by choke. End of the round. I score this round 10-9 for McGee.

Round 2
McGee is landing some vicious kicks. Both fighters are exchanging punches and McGee pushes back Neer with some punches. They clinch up against the cage and Neer attacks with some uppercuts. They break up and McGee lands some more strikes. McGee tries to attack with a headkick. Neer is landing some good jabs and pushes back McGee. McGee tries to get a takedown but get stuffed. Both exchange punches and both land a lot of punches. Neer is coming back with some good punches. McGee ends with a spinning back kick but Neer is not impressed. End of the round. I score this round 10-10.

Round 3
Neer opens with a nice leg kick. And McGee answers with a good combination of his own. McGee presses Neer to the cage and soften him up with some punches. McGee works with some knees from the clinch and they break up again. McGee tries with a takedown and is able to take Neer down. McGee tries to take Neer's back but Neer is able to get back up to his feet. Back against the fence, Neer is trying to defend the takedown but McGee is able to take him back down. McGee is attacking with strikes from top, and Neer is trying to attack with submission attemps. McGee tries to take Neer's back and he is able to get it but Neer is able to shake McGee back of. McGee is back on top and delivering elbows and punches. End of the round. I score this round 10-9 for McGee.
Court McGee def. Josh Neer by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Urijah Faber vs. Ivan Menjivar
Round 1
Faber pressing the pace early in the round. They clinch up and Menjivar throws Faber to the mat. Faber responds by reversing Menjivar and taking side position. Menjivar is able to switch to full guard and Faber responds with elbows. Menjivar tries to set up a submission but Faber shakes it off and delivers some nasty ground and pound from inside the guard. Faber is attacking with some nasty elbows from the top, Menjivar responds with some upkicks. Faber continues to attack with vicious elbows. Faber is able to take Menjivar's back while standing up and is able to sink in a rear naked choke.
Urijah Faber def. Ivan Menjivar by submission (rear naked choke) at 4:34 for the 1st round.

Lyoto Machida vs. Dan Henderson
Round 1
Henderson comes with 2 kicks early. Machida is feeling out his range and comes with a kick. Henderson lands another kick and tries to chase Machida. Machida is trying to feint kicks and wait on Henderson's reaction, Henderson rushes in and Machida circles away. Kick to the body by Machida. Machida feints with another kick and as Henderson tries to close the distance, Machida counters with a good punch. Henderson rushes in and engages in the clinch with Machida and lands a knee. Machida trips Henderson and lands some big shots on Henderson when the bell rings. I score this round 10-9 for Machida.

Round 2
Henderson landed an outside leg kick and follows up with an inside leg kick. Followed up by a kick by Machida, and Machida lands a front kick to the face but Henderson pushes forward. A lot of feeling out, and feinting by Machida, he caught Henderson with a knee when he was coming in. Henderson lands another inside leg kick. Machida lands a solid kick to the body. Machida catches Henderon again with the knee while he was rushing in, Henderson landed a right hand though. Henderson rushes in with a kick and follows up with a right hand. Hard round to judge. I score this round 10-9 for Machida.

Round 3
Henderson rushes in again and tries to land the big right hand and follows up with a left body kick. Henderson takes Machida to the ground and Henderson is in full guard and lands some punches to the body. Machida keeps Henderson close and tries to control him. Henderson is throwing some punches to Machida's body. Henderson is attacking with some elbows, but he loses the position and Machida get's back up. Machida attacks with inside leg kicks. 1 minute remaining on the clock as Henderson is still looking to land the big right hand. Machida lands a nice jumping front kick to the face, followed by a high kick. The round ends. I score this round 10-9 for Henderson.
Lyoto Machida def. Dan Henderson by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Ronda Rousey vs. Liz Carmouche
Round 1
Rousey looking for the clinch early and presses Carmouche against the fence. Rousey is able to get the takedown but Carmouche is able to get the back and sink in a choke. She switches to a neck crank but Rousey is able to shake her off. Rousey takes Carmouche back down and is in side position, Rousey is delivering punches to Carmouche on the ground. Carmouche tries to deliver knees to the body and get her back, Rousey transitions to a armbar. After some struggling Rousey still is able to get Carmouche's arm loose and finish the fight by armbar.
Ronda Rousey def. Liz Carmouche by submission (armbar) at 4:49 of the 1st round.